Wednesday, December 20, 2017

L.O.C. for SC/FL/Bermuda (7)

The listings for the surname JONES in the Library of Congress continues:

"9403  JONES.   A genealogical history by Colonel Cadwallader Jones.  Columbia, S.C., printed by Ye Bryan printing company, 1900.  Jones family of Virginia and the Carolinas.  Edited by A.I. Robertson.
                                                                                                                  CS71.J76        1900"

"9437   JONES.   The history of the Samuel Jones family, Kershaw County, S.C., 1756-1960, including allied families. By Hazel (Parker) Jones.   (Kershaw, 1961)
                                                                                                                  CS71.J76        1961"

"9418   JONES.   Florida plantation records from the papers of George Noble Jones, edited by Ulrich Bonnell Phillips ... and James David Glunt ... St. Louis, Missouri historical society, 1927  (Added t.p. Publication of the Missouri historical society)  Records of El Destino and Chemonie plantations from 1847 to 1857, during the period of ownership by G. Noble Jones.

"9429   JONES.   Notes on the Jones family of Bermuda.  By Lloyd Peniston Jones.  Paget, Bermuda, 1947.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

L.O.C. for KY/VA (6)

The genealogies continue for Kentucky and Virginia held in the Library of Congress:

"9041   JONES  Captain Roger Jones of London and Virginia.  Some of his antecedents and descendants.  With appreciative notice of other families, viz. Bathurst, Belfield, Browning, Carter, Catesby, Cocke, Graham, Fauntleroy, Hickman, Hoskins, Latane, Lewis, Meriwether, Skelton, Walter, Waring, Woodford, and others.  Notes by Judge L.H. Jones ... Albany, N.Y., J. Munsell's sons, 1891.                                                                                          
                                                                                                       CS71.J76        1891"

"9410    JONES [same as above] with additional comments... Binders title: Roger Jones and his descendants. 'New or supplementary edition.'  'Introductory letter.'  signed L.H. Jones.  Louisville, Ky., August 1911.
                                                                                                       CS71.J76        1911"

"9415    JONES   Peter Jones and Richard Jones genealogies, compiled from original sources by August B. Gothergill.  Richmond, Va., Old Dominion press, Inc., 1924.

                                                                                                       CS71.J76        1924"

Thursday, October 5, 2017

L.O.C. for CT/NJ (5)

To continue Genealogies in The Library of Congress for the JONES surname:

"9404   JONES.   ...History and genealogy of the ancestors and descendants of Captain Israel Jones who removed from Enfield to Barkhamsted, Conn., in the year 1759.  Comp. for Hon. Asahel W. Jones by L.N. Parker.  (Norwalk, O. Laning co. ) 1902
                                                                                                                CS71.J76  1902"

"9433   JONES.   The path of destiny; a history of events which shaped the destinies of our forefathers and a genealogy of the descendants our (sic) Benjamin Jones of Connecticut and the Wyoming Valley, Pennsylvania.  By Howard Linden Jones.  (Orland ? Fla., 1953 ?)
                                                                                                               CS71.J76  1953"

"9427   JONES.  Ancestral lines, revised and enlarged.  Compiled, edited, typed, printed and published by Melvin E. Jones ... Trenton, N.J., Traver's book store, 1941.

                                                                                                               CS71.J76  1941"

The above reference is also given 9426 under  "Ancestral lines, revised and enlarged,  compiled, edited, typed printed and published by Melvin E. Jones ... Los Angeles, Calif., 1938."

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

L.O.C. for NY/NH (4)

This post continues the theme of the JONES surname references in the Library of Congress.  For New York and New Hampshire:

"9392  JONES.    Memorial of the late Honorable David S. Jones.  With an appendix, containing notices of the Jones family, of Queen's county.   New York, Stanford and Swords, 1849.
                                                                                                                   CS71.J76     1849 "

"9399  JONES.    The Johnes family of Southampton, L.I.,  By Edward R. Johnes.  New York, W. Lowey, printer, 1886.
                                                                                                                   CS71.J76     1890"

"9406  JONES.     The life of Horatio Jones.  By George H. Harris.   (In Buffalo historical society.  Publications Buffalo, 1908.  Caption title (p. 383) : The true story of Hoc-sa-go-wha, prisoner, pioneer and interpreter.  Notes on the ancestry and descendants of Horatio Jones : p. 521-526.
                                                                                                                    F129.B8B88 vol. 6"

"9408  JONES.     The Jones family of Long Island ; descendants of Major Thomas Jones (1665-1726) and allied families, by John H. Jones... New York, T.A. Wright, 1907.
                                                                                                                    CS71.J76     1907"

"9446  JONES.     Some other Joneses; descendants of Increase Jones, 1752-1825, of Minerva, N.Y. (Elijah J. Cornelius J.)  Compiled and written by Mable Merryfield Jones (Mrs. Clarence Jones) Content arr. and manuscripts typed by Dorothy Jones Many (Mrs. Wallace Many).  Middletown, Conn., 1967.                                                                                               CS71.J76    1967"

"9395  JONES.     The genealogy of the family of Asa and Mary M. Jones, of Rindge, N.H. (Boston, T.W. Ripley, printer)  1881.                                                                        CS71.J76    1878"

"9413  JONES.     The ancestors of my daughters, comprising three Mayflower pilgrims, one colonial governor, over forth colonial, fourteen revolutionary, and three war of 1812  ancestors.  By Nathan Henry Jones.  Poultney, Vt., N.H. Jones, 1914.                                         CS71.J76   1914"


Friday, July 21, 2017

L.O.C. for MA (3)

This post will complete the JONES family genealogies for the state of Massachusetts as given in Genealogies In The Library of Congress : A Bibliography, Edited by Marion J. Kaminkow, Vol. I, A-J, Magna Carta Book Co., Baltimore, MD, 1972. (pp. 866- 871)

9417   JONES.  The descendants of Joel Jones; a revolutionary soldier, born in Charlton, Mass., in 1764, and died in Crawford County, Pa., in 1845.  Together with an account of his ancestors, back to Lewis and Ann Jones, of Watertown, Mass., who came to America about 1635, also the descendants of Lemuel Smith, born in Ware, Mass., in 1770, came to Crawford County, Pa., in 1817, and died in 1855.  With an account of such of his ancestors as can now be located, by Elbert Smith, one of the descendants.  Rutland Vt.,  The Tuttle company, 1925.                    CS71.J76                   1925

9420   JONES.   Four Boston grandparents, Jones and Hill, Preble and Eveleth and their ancestry, by William Preble Jones.  Somerville, Mass., 1930.                              CS71.J76                   1930

9422   JONES.   Jones genealogy; being a record of the descendants of Hugh Jones of Salem, Mass., emigrant from Wincanton, England, 1635-1931, by Myrtle (Bowen) Clark.  (St. Johnsbury, Vt., Cowles press, inc., (c. 1931)                                                              CS71.J76                   1931

9423   JONES.   Genealogy of Jones, Hathaway, Richards, Gooding, compiled edited, typed, printed and published by Melvin E. Jones ... Boston, Mass., c. 1934.           CS71.J76                   1934

9428   JONES.   Leaves from a family tree, being random records, letter and traditions of the Jones, Stimson and Clarke families of Hopkinton, Medfield, Norton and Boston, Massachusettes, and Providence, Rhode Island.  Compiled by Louise Diman.  (Providence, R.I., Roger Williams press, E.A. Johnson company)  1941                                                           CS71.J76                    1941a

9444   JONES.   Christopher Jones, captain of the Mayflower.  Illustrated by William Feguson.  New York, D. McKay Co. (1965)                                                               F68.J6D4

Monday, June 26, 2017

L.O.C. for MA (2)

Recall that L.O.C. stands for Library of Congress, MA for Massachusetts, and (2) is the second post in the series for this state.  Let's continue:

"9397  JONES  Family record of the Jones family of Milford, Massachusetts, and Providence, Rhode Island, with its connections and descendants, together with the ancestry and family of Lorania Carrington Jones, wife of George F. Jones.  Collected, compiled and edited by George Farquhar Jones.  Philadelphia, 1884.  CS71.J76"

"9400  JONES  Col. John Jones of Dedham and his paternal ancestors in America.  By his grandson, Amos Perry...(Boston, 1890?)  CS71.J76"

"9402  JONES  Book of minutes of Col. John Jones of Dedham, Massachusetts; with explanatory notes by his grandson, Amos Perry, of Providence, Rhode Island... Boston, G.E. Littlefield; Providence, Preston & Rounds, 1894.  F74.N2J7"

"9407  JONES  Lewis Jones, of Roxbury and Watertown, Massachusetts, 1640-1684, and some of his descendants in the South.  By A.S. Salley, jr.  (In Southern history association,  Publication,  Washington, D.C., 1904, v. 8, p. (147)-156, (219)-232 )  F206.S73 vol. 8"

9409  JONES  Hugh Jones of Salem, Mass., and his descendants.  By Joseph Gardner Bartlett, Boston, New England historic genealogical society, 1908.  Reprinted from the New England historical and genealogical register vol. 61 and 62.  Register reprints series A. no. 21.  CS71.J76"

9414  JONES  Samuel Minot Jones; the story of an Amherst boy, by Charles S. Walker... Amherst, Mass., 1922.  (On verso of t.-p. ; The Jones library, incorporated, Amherst, Massachusetts.  Publication no. 1, September 1922)  "The Jones library"; p. 87-100.  Z733.A54W "

Sunday, May 28, 2017

L.O.C. for MA (1)

Wow...what a title!  L.O.C. is for "Library of Congress", and MA is for Massachusetts.  "(1)" means the beginning of a number of post that list the JONES surname [families] in this library, identified as being from this state.  A little history here might explain why Massachusetts had the highest number of publications.

In America, Family Bible records were the only source of genealogical information prior to 1771.  The first American family genealogy was published this year in Hartford, Connecticut.  However, it was not until 1829 that "A Genealogical Register of the First Settlers of New England" became the first collected work on genealogy in America.  A decade or so latter, "The Genealogical Dictionary of The First Settlers of New England" published by James Savage in 1844, became the foundation of genealogy in America. [James Savage was know as "Father of American Genealogy"!]  Of course the citizens of Boston got together and formed the "New England Historical Genealogical Society" getting ahead of the rest of America until 1869, when New York formed "The N.Y. Genealogical and Biographical Society".  By now, it becomes evident that the folks of New England lead the way.  So it would only seem right that the family accounts for the JONES surname from Massachusetts would begin this series of posts.  Let's begin.

"9391  JONES.    Jones records, Nathaniel and Rachel (Bradford) Jones, Ispwich, Mass., and some of their descendants.  A help to a family history.  (By Augustine Caldwell)   (Ipswich?  18- )  CS71.J76"

"9394  JONES.    Some of the descendants of Lewis and Ann Jones of Roxbury, Mass., through their son Josiah and grandson James, comp, for the family, by William Blake Trask.  Boston, Printed for private distribution, 1878.  CS71.J76"

"9396  JONES.    The ancient proprietors of Jones's Hill, Dorchester, including brief sketches of the Jones, Stoughton, Tailer, Wiswall, Moseley, Capen and Holden families, the location and boundaries of their estates, &c.  Comp. by David Clapp.   Boston, Printed for private distribution, 1883   F74.D5C6 "

You get the idea...just beginning.

The history given above is from Sims's Manual For The Genealogist Topographer and Antiquary, by Richard Sims, of the British Museum, published 1856.

Friday, May 5, 2017

Jones Surname Genealogies In The Library of Congress

In 1972 there was published "Genealogies In The Library of Congress A Bibliography", edited by Marion J. Kaminkow.  It was published by Magna Carta Book Company, Baltimore, MD.  Volume I contained the alphabet  "A-J" and it is this text that the following analysis was taken. [p.866 - 871 and in the supplement p.135]

Massachusetts had the highest number of genealogies for the surname JONES at 15.  There were also 15 genealogies that could not be placed clearly as coming from a specific location.  There were 4 family genealogies from Wales, 1 from Ireland, and 1 from Bermuda. The following is my attempt to summarize the number and site of origin :

MA = 15
NY =  5
NH =  2
NJ  =  2
RI  =  2
CT =  2
    sum: 28 from the Northeast [ 44% - 28/64]

VA =  3
KY = 2
SC  = 2
GA = 1
FL  = 1
     sum: 9 from the South [ 14% ]

PA = 3
OH= 1
WI= 1
     sum: 6 from the middle [ 9% ]

Wales   = 4
Ireland = 1
Bermuda = 1
     sum : 6 from out of US [9%]

Uncertain origin = 15 [ 23%]

Hope to list these genealogies by their title and grouped by location in future posts.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

The National Archives

Rummaging around my stack of references, the following was found among the shelves. 

Well worn and frequently check, it was first published in 1964.  Guides are always helpful, and this source outlines the various records held in The National Archives felt to be of interest to the genealogist.  Thought it might still be helpful to outline these materials as contained in this guide.

The following materials are given in outline form:
      I.    Population and mortality census schedule...for yrs. 1790 - 1890.
      II.   Passenger arrival lists...for cities- Baltimore, Boston, Mobile, New Bedford,
                 New Orleans, New York, and Philadelphia
      III.   United State military records from Revolutionary War
      IV.   United States naval and marine records
      V.    Records of veterans' benefits
      VI.  Records concerning the Confederate States of America
      VII. Land-entry records for the public-land States
      VIII.Other records of genealogical value...including Lists relating to Indian removal.

Wow...lots of stuff here.  I am sure there must be a more up to date publication.  Will next try to list those references involving the JONES surname in the next series of posts.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Q & A

With a surname like JONES, the genealogical questions are many.  Who, what, when, where, and why are a few good ones to start.  Anyway, after many years of tree climbing, I have asked a few questions along the way. [ See blog: ]  Thoughts are that there may be those still tree climbing who might have a few questions of their own. 

This post seeks to offer any support that this old tree climber might still have floating around the cobwebs.  The "comment" section offers a place where a question can be ask.  Then anyone can place their suggestions [or answers] to the question one comment at a time.  If any thoughts come my way, I will try to answer each question.  I thought it might be of interest to those who have been reading the blogs over the last six or so years.  This "Q & A" post might lead to some interesting questions...and answers!  Any tree climbers facing questions out there?  Fire away.