The genealogies continue for Kentucky and Virginia held in the Library of Congress:
"9041 JONES Captain Roger Jones of London and Virginia. Some of his antecedents and descendants. With appreciative notice of other families, viz. Bathurst, Belfield, Browning, Carter, Catesby, Cocke, Graham, Fauntleroy, Hickman, Hoskins, Latane, Lewis, Meriwether, Skelton, Walter, Waring, Woodford, and others. Notes by Judge L.H. Jones ... Albany, N.Y., J. Munsell's sons, 1891.
CS71.J76 1891"
"9410 JONES [same as above] with additional comments... Binders title: Roger Jones and his descendants. 'New or supplementary edition.' 'Introductory letter.' signed L.H. Jones. Louisville, Ky., August 1911.
CS71.J76 1911"
"9415 JONES Peter Jones and Richard Jones genealogies, compiled from original sources by August B. Gothergill. Richmond, Va., Old Dominion press, Inc., 1924.
CS71.J76 1924"