Wednesday, December 20, 2017

L.O.C. for SC/FL/Bermuda (7)

The listings for the surname JONES in the Library of Congress continues:

"9403  JONES.   A genealogical history by Colonel Cadwallader Jones.  Columbia, S.C., printed by Ye Bryan printing company, 1900.  Jones family of Virginia and the Carolinas.  Edited by A.I. Robertson.
                                                                                                                  CS71.J76        1900"

"9437   JONES.   The history of the Samuel Jones family, Kershaw County, S.C., 1756-1960, including allied families. By Hazel (Parker) Jones.   (Kershaw, 1961)
                                                                                                                  CS71.J76        1961"

"9418   JONES.   Florida plantation records from the papers of George Noble Jones, edited by Ulrich Bonnell Phillips ... and James David Glunt ... St. Louis, Missouri historical society, 1927  (Added t.p. Publication of the Missouri historical society)  Records of El Destino and Chemonie plantations from 1847 to 1857, during the period of ownership by G. Noble Jones.

"9429   JONES.   Notes on the Jones family of Bermuda.  By Lloyd Peniston Jones.  Paget, Bermuda, 1947.