The JONES surname is perhaps one of the most difficult surnames for the genealogist to explore. After more than 50 years of climbing my own JONES tree, I have certainly fallen off a few branches.
Starting a Bed and Breakfast more than 10 years ago, I hoped to provide a place for the genealogist to search their JONES surname. Over the years many have come to get help by using the genealogy resources, mostly in the Joseph Wheeler Jones Memorial Library, and The Jones Surname Museum. Occasionally, folks have asked for my personal help. It occurs to me that there may be others who are stuck, or need help along the branches. Mentoring genealogy, what a thought! I have posted "The Brick Wall Protocol", written some years back, to help some climb their branches, and go around some of their brick walls. See:
Any interest in perhaps a week-end workshop, or help session at the B&B? Genealogy mentoring...I would call it : Genealogy One-on-One.
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