Friday, November 30, 2012

A Big Picture

Putting the family tree together has its challenges, especially with a surname like JONES.  What methods can be used?  What charts are needed?  How do I get a "big picture"?

The following figure is from one of my research notebooks (RN #145).  It shows a way to visualize a family tree that can also be used to help check if the generations fit.

A blank sheet of  8.5 x 11 inch graph paper is used.   A chronology is equally marked along the right hand side using 50 year sequence.   A number/coding system is used for each generation, with each individual in the family tree given a distinct code.  A coloring system is then used to outline each beginning branch of the tree, so that a flow chart like to one above is produced on a single page.  The generations should then fit within the chronology outlined on the right hand side. 

Graph paper, pencil, ruler, and color markers are the basic ingredients.  Give it a try to get that big picture.

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